Account and profile

SurgTalk account includes profile page, where you can share information about yourself. Your profile is private and used for support and communication purpose only.

For us, keeping your profile up-to-date helps us to produce more content.


Updating your profile:

To edit or update your profile, move the cursor to Account at the top right of the page. Click Edit Profile from the drop down menu. You can also head to your profile by clicking here


Dashboard shortcut:

You can create shortcuts to dashboard. Shortcut allows you to access SurgTalk videos without entering your login credentials each time. For single surgeon account, shortcut is the recommended way to give access to your staff.

Please note: SurgTalk for organization account allows you to create separate login accounts for each staff members.


Keeping your account secured:

We have security protocols in place to keep your account safe, but there are several other things you can do to protect your account.

Choosing a strong password:

Choosing a strong and unique password is an extremely effective way to protect your account and prevent unauthorized access. While selecting a password for your account, we strongly recommend you consider the following:

  • Select a password that is easy for you to remember, but that doesn’t include words that strangers might guess.
  • Don’t use obvious numbers. For example, don’t use numbers that are in your birthday or phone number.
  • Create a unique password for each account and service you have, rather than using the same password for each site. This way if one of your accounts is compromised, then that password cannot be used to gain access into other accounts you have.

Change Your Password Periodically:

We also recommend changing your password periodically, as this is another great way to keep your account secure. When you do change your password, we recommend creating a new one, rather than using a password you’ve already used.

More tips to protect your account:

In addition to selecting a strong and unique password, there are several other simple ways you can protect your account

  1. If you’re accessing SurgTalk account from public or shared device, be sure to sign out of your account.
  2. Do not write down or store your password in your files or online accounts.
  3. Do not share your account credentials with others. Use shortcuts for your staffs.
  4. If a computer or mobile device you used to access SurgTalk is lost or stolen, use another device to imitate password reset email.


Change or reset your SurgTalk password:

Forgot password:

You can request a reset password email from login page:

  1. Move cursor to the top right corner of SurgTalk’s home page, and then click Login.
  2. Click Forgot password.
  3. Enter your email address and click I’m not robot
  4. Next, click Submit.

If you do not receive the password reset email within an hour, please check your spam folder. Also, please be sure the email is added to your safe sender list. For information on how to do this, please click here.

Change password:

You can change your password anytime in your Account settings.

  1. Move cursor to Account at the top right corner of the Dashboard page.
  2. Click on Manage Account in the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your current password, your new password, re-type your new password, and then click on Change password.


Has my account been compromised?

We know how upsetting it can be if you think your account may have been accessed without your authorization. But, before you panic and conclude your account has been compromised, consider whether there may be a reasonable explanation for the activity you’ve encountered. Here are some common explanations for activity that can be mistaken for a security breach.

I can't login:

Is it possible you’ve forgotten your password? Or if you’ve recently created an account, could the password that was entered be different than you recall? If so, you can request a password reset email.

It looks like someone using my account:

If you see video share log and that you don’t recall. Do your staff send video links to patient at initial consultations? It is possible that they have entered wrong patient’s credentials by mistake.

What to do if you believe your account was compromised?

If you’ve noticed suspicious activity in your account, which cannot be explained by the reasons above, then immediately request a password reset email. Accounts can become compromised if an individual gained access to your login credentials through fraudulent activities, like for example, a phishing scam.

Please note: your password will automatically be reset after you initiate the password reset process. All your existing shortcuts and SurgTalk mobile app accounts will be signed out automatically.


Closing your account:

Closing your SurgTalk account will permanently remove you, and access to your account and shared video links to patients cannot be restored.

To close your account and to request refunds on subscriptions, please contact us at

Updated 04/09/2020